Uploading of images to the forum is allowed and can be done in one of two ways.
Whem posting a 'topic' to the forum you will see under the message pain window two upload options :
Upload and link to a File Attachment
Upload and Insert and Image File
Both these options will take an image from your local computer and upload it to the server.
The attachment option will add a link to this file and if successful will add text to your message box that
will look similar to below :
The insert option if successful will add text to your message box similar to below :
Ideally you would want to insert an image file and attach a document type file but there is nothing
to stop you attaching and image file.
The current supported image types are .jpg .jpeg .gif .png
The current supported file types are .doc .pdf
You will not see the final results until you either post or preview the topic.
Selecting either of the options will open a popup box for you to select your image from your machine, the
upload is restrictd to certian file types and file size.
The current maximum file size is 215Kb
It is necessasary to protect the server from being swamped with lots of large files.
Note. The upload window may crash if you try and upload file sizes greater than this, simple close the
window and try again with a smaller size image.